
Nothing to do with IP addresses

I have few fears and obsessions over the apocalypse, but there is one thing that I have been genuinely worried about: 2012. Maybe it's because I trust the Mayans quite a bit. I studied them a lot in the second grade - they were a truthful and intelligent people, and I surely trust them a whole lot more than the hundreds of christian seers and prophets who have predicted the same thing numerous times in the past.

The Mesoamerican calendar (given to humans by the Mayan god Quetzalcoatl, pictured above in human form) is divided into eras, and our current 13th baktun era is set to end on either december 21st or 23rd, 2012. Now, many people have disseminated this theory as "the end of the world", including at least one John Cusack movie, and one website which has finally set my fears to rest. It's called the 2012 Official Countdown, and it's just the kind of propagandist "truth" that makes me believe exactly the opposite of what it says.

The truth about It has nothing to do with IP addresses and everything to do with your future... and life as we know it...

The Mysterious Planet X will shift into earth's rotational path and collide with our planet! All life that isn't immediately destroyed will be flung from the surface and into space

A meteor will hit the earth, causing concurrent massive tsunamis . The impact will make the bombing of Hiroshima look like a ripple from a pebble tossed into a lake.

Who could possibly know all of this? No professed member of one line of thought could ever claim to know so much about the future. No, it would take a much wider plane of knowledge.
The internet, of course.

Mr. Sayer is a respected Internet scholar with a concentration on the topics of history, spirituality and exposing untruths. He is known for his laser-targeted revelations on the complicated Mayan calendar system used to determine the true nature of 2012. Conspicuously silent while most of the ferver over 2012 raged... Sayer ended his self-imposed media boycott in late 2009 because as he put it... “I could no longer stand back and watch as the general public was lied to.” Sure, theories and theorists come and go... But James Michael Sayer is among the few “doyens” to stand firm and true. He never wavered from the truth no matter what kind of pressure he has been put under. And he's seen plenty of pressure.

“But... this stuff isn't in the bible. And if it's not
in the bible, it just ain't true!”
Who said this wasn't in the bible?
Which bible are you reading?
Because... I promise you, it's in there.
And I'll show you where.

But when you boil it down, there is one truth to this entire tirade:

In 2012...
something will happen. Because... to say nothing is going to happen, means you're just not paying attention.

Personally, I'd like to see things happen in 2012. I hope you'll be strong and smart enough to see them happen for me, too. That is, if you don't burn up the second Planet X hits Earth

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